2rd Heavenly Birthday

Created by c gallagher5 8 months ago

Today is your second heavenly Birthday. The second one weve had to celebrate without you. Today like everyday has been hard Jim, but today has been specially hard has all day ive been thinking of all the stuff we have done on your previous birthdays and thinking of what you would have probably choosen to do today, which is probably made us watch a bundle of films or wrestling. Or you would have picked the cinemas has i know you enjoyed it there. 
Instead of being able to ask you how you wanted to celebrate all we had was to have a guess and make today all about you and try to hopefully make you proud of us. I hope we aint let you down. 
We decided to have all your favourite food for dinner, jaffa cakes, golden bears, crisps, dr pepper etc and for tea we had your favourite take away, we had pizza.We lit your candles all day for you and your special ones of me and Boo. And i watched a couple of films with you too. This morning while most of the world was sleeping we watched escape room and escape room the legends (we did the same early hours last year). We have also watched the ruin on netflixs (it was ok, something i dont believe you have watched) and the stepfather (i think youve watched that before). Weve also had a slice of birthday cake (your cake) and weve sent a balloon upto heaven for you, so i hope you caught it. It was filled with love and hugs just for you. 
Today has been a very hard and emotional day Jim, a day i use to look forward to so you could get spoilt and have the day all about you has became a day that breaks my heart more then it already is 💔😭. 
Youve had some lovely gifts and been spoilt. Im glad people aint forgot about, you dont deserve to be forgotten about and i will do everything i can to keep your name alive. 
i hope youve had a good day Jim and been spoilt up there and i hope youve been having fun with all the other angels. I hope weve made you proud. I love you brave soldier to heaven and back xxxx
