Today is your 25th birthday Jim. Another day we have to get through without you. Everyday is hard but days like today are even harder. Not a second goes by where I don’t think of you, where I don’t prey to see you walk through the door and come back home, where you belong. People will say time will make it all easier, the pain will get easier and life will go on, they are wrong Jim, the pain don’t get easier, you just get use to walking around with a broken heart. I will never ever stop missing you, not a day goes by where I don’t talk about you (to whoever will listean to me). I miss you more and more eachday. Thankyou for all the wonderful memories you left behind for me, I will treasure them forever and Thankyou for being my son, I really couldn’t ask for a better one. I love you to heaven and back and more my brave soldier. Happy birthday Jimmy xxx
Mom x
5th September 2024