New years 2023

Created by c gallagher5 4 months ago

Today is new years day, another year has started without you 💔😭. I know people say time heals the pain but jim i will tell you now thsts rubbish, all time does is make the memories we made together wven stronger. The pain dont get easier at all.

anywya Happy new year brave soldier i hope you had fun ladt nigbt welckming the new year in, hope you ate all your favourite food etc and dramk all the dr peppers. Hope you danced the night away until you couldnt dance anymore.

me and boo played a few games (mystery one and a music quiz). We both miss you loads Jim and we cant wait until we see yoh again.

you had some beautiful gifts.

me and boo has lot a special candle for you again.

I love you to heaven and back and more xxxx
